by Jo Banks | Oct 16, 2018 | Business, Self Development, Your Dream Job
Top tips for taking the pain out of networking… Being able to network effectively, especially when you’re job hunting (up to 70% of roles are found through people we know) is an essential skill which can significantly boost your career prospects. We...
by Jo Banks | Jun 15, 2018 | Business, Inspiration, Self Development, Uncategorized
Get more out of your time by setting clear intentions… How many meetings have you attended where at the end you thought, “What was all that about? What a waste of time!”. Alternatively, how many times have you asked someone to do something, only for...
by Jo Banks | Jun 15, 2018 | Business, Inspiration, Self Development, Uncategorized
Delegation is a skill that can be learnt, practised and improved… One of the most recurring themes I experience during individual coaching sessions is how to delegate effectively. Delegation, like most things, is a skill that can be learnt and the more...
by Jo Banks | Apr 30, 2018 | Business, Inspiration, News, Self Development
And the big ones will take care of themselves. In my experience, most of us (including me!) discount how much the ‘small’ decisions we make every day have in shaping our lives. We make hundreds if not thousands of small decisions daily that we often discount, unaware...