by Jo Banks | Jan 24, 2022 | Inspiration, Self Development, Your Dream Job
In my last article, I wrote about why we experience Imposter Syndrome. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can read it here. Essentially, our brain is hard-wired to scan for danger when we enter new environments; this is an in-built safety mechanism deeply encoded in our...
by Jo Banks | Jan 24, 2022 | Inspiration, Your Dream Job
As you may be aware, as well as peak performance coaching and leadership development training, I support clients in achieving their career goals. I help them get clear about what they want, work through any potential blockers and teach them any essential skills they...
by Jo Banks | Aug 26, 2020 | Business, Self Development, Your Dream Job
I’m extremely privileged to have been able to help thousands of people to find and land their dream job since starting my coaching and leadership development business, What Next?, back in 2009. A large part of what I do is providing outplacement and...
by Jo Banks | Jul 30, 2020 | Business, Self Development, Your Dream Job
During lockdown, the virtual interview has become a necessity, and yet so many candidates (and recruiters!) get it so wrong. Recently, I’ve been hearing some horror stories from both sides. Here are my top tips from a candidate perspective, edited from...