by Jo Banks | Apr 18, 2024 | Uncategorized
Audio Version (09:44) style="display:block" data-ad-format="fluid" data-ad-layout-key="-fb+5w+4e-db+86" data-ad-client="ca-pub-0723351809871950" data-ad-slot="1017401996" Uncertainty is an inevitable aspect of life, encompassing everything from relationships to...
by Jo Banks | Sep 2, 2022 | Inspiration, Self Development
The topic of ‘labels’ and limiting beliefs has come up frequently in my coaching sessions recently when discussing blockages with clients, i.e. why they feel that they can’t be, do or have something they want. When we dig into why they have such resistance, we often...
by Jo Banks | Jan 31, 2022 | Inspiration, Self Development
In my previous post, I talked about why we self-sabotage. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can read it here. To summarise, our brains were designed with one primary focus; to keep us alive long enough to procreate. That’s the fundamental purpose of our...