by Jo Banks | Oct 28, 2022 | Inspiration, Self Development
In the past, I’ve written quite a bit about both stress and our biochemicals. However, I’m not sure (without reading everything back) if I’ve discussed how our hormones can become addictive, especially the ‘stress’ ones. Our various...
by Jo Banks | May 12, 2022 | Inspiration, Self Development
Of course, there are many ways that stress, anxiety, and overwhelm can manifest—for example, poor sleep, appetite issues, comfort/binge eating, inability to concentrate, etc. However, some lesser-known ones that you may be unaware of are equally harmful. In this...
by Jo Banks | Nov 16, 2020 | Inspiration, Self Development
For many people, excessive worry is a part of their everyday lives; so much so, that I frequently hear, ‘I worry if I have nothing to worry about!’. Why do we worry? The majority of excessive worriers learn this behaviour as a child. Typically they have...
by Jo Banks | Nov 9, 2020 | Inspiration, Self Development
During the first lockdown I discovered a new found love of the great outdoors. Due to gyms being closed (and my dodgy hips making it almost impossible to run), I took up the rather expensive hobby of road cycling. Every day, regardless of the weather, I made a point...
by Jo Banks | Sep 14, 2020 | Inspiration, Self Development
Unfortunately, so many people do feel guilty for taking time out for themselves. However, it’s a false economy. We’ve all heard the saying, ‘You can’t drink from an empty cup’, and it’s so true. When I ask clients who are near burnout, what amount of time they take...