In my previous regarding ‘Andropause’ (The Male Menopause – if you missed it, you can read it here), I mentioned that I would be interviewing Justin Powlesland for my YouTube channel.
In our interview (available NOW!), Justin describes his heartbreaking but uplifting journey navigating the devastating effects of low testosterone.
He courageously tells his story, detailing the symptoms he suffered, being misdiagnosed and how he finally found the help he so desperately needed.
Symptoms of Low Testosterone
If you or someone you know is a 35+ male and suffering the following symptoms:
💡Mood issues
💡Constant Exhaustion
Please watch (or get them to watch) the full video. I’m not being overly dramatic when I say it could save lives.
Why This is Important?
I know this is a difficult topic, but it’s a very real problem in our society. Here are just some startling UK statistics illustrating why it’s important to talk about men’s health:
💡Nearly 12 men lose their lives to suicide every day.
💡Men die by suicide at a rate three times more often than women.
💡Suicide is the single largest cause of death for men under the age of 50.
💡Only 36% of referrals to the United Kingdom National Health Service for talk therapy are for men.
💡Males aged 50-54 were found to have the highest suicide rate (22.5 per 100,000).
Now, clearly, not all causes will be related to low testosterone. However, if you or someone you know is suffering from any of the symptoms I’ve mentioned, surely it’s worth getting checked out?
In the video, Justin describes the process he took to get a diagnosis, together with details of his treatment plan.
What Next?
If you enjoy the video, please like, comment and subscribe to help me get this important information out to more people.
For those who don’t know how the YouTube ‘subscribe’ button works, firstly, it doesn’t cost a thing. No one else will know you’ve signed up, especially if you use an alias (I won’t even know – I don’t get a list!), and it’s COMPLETELY FREE!
I think many people are put off from ‘subscribing’ because they believe there’s a cost involved, or they’ll get bombarded by cheesy emails trying to sell them stuff. That’s not it at all. So a pretty good deal all around, I say!
In addition, if you know anyone who has an interesting, inspirational story to tell and, most importantly, who’ll come across well on camera (that’s very important!), please let me know. I’d be more than happy to have a chat with them.
Finally, if you would like personal support from me on this or any other topic, please do not hesitate to get in touch for a complimentary, no-obligation discovery call.
As always, thanks for your continued support.