

21 hours ago

This is a quick way to let your nervous system know you're safe when you've triggered your fight, flight, freeze stress response.We can't get out of a stress response by thinking about it. We have to use our senses, body and breathwork to tell the nervous system we're safe so that it returns to rest and digest mode.For freebies, including my 30-page mini-course on 'How to Hack Your Happy Hormones' click https://linktr.ee/jobanks #stress #stressfree #worry #stressmanagement #resilience #mentaltoughness #dailyinspiration #motivation #anxiety #inspirationalquotes #inspirationalsayings #motivationalquotes #motivationalsayings ... See MoreSee Less
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1 day ago

One of the biggest reasons clients cite for not completing their goals is lack of time. However, many of us have much more of it than we think.Conducting an audit is a great way to understand how you spend your time and where you could maximise it.To do this, use a day-per-page diary, e.g. Google’s ‘day planner' is ideal; print some copies off and note everything you do (not just work-related tasks) and how long they take.Aim to do it for at least three days, including a Saturday or Sunday.Once you’ve completed the exercise, search for the areas where your time could be better utilised.You’ll be amazed at how much time you’re wasting without realising it. Next, pinpoint the areas for improvement.Finding just one extra hour a day will add up to 7 hours a week, 30 hours per month, which equates to 15 x 24-hour days per year; imagine what you could achieve in that amount of time!Consider how much time you spend on social media scrolling... 😬For freebies, including my 30-page mini-course on 'How to Hack Your Happy Hormones', click https://linktr.ee/jobanks #stress #stressfree #worry #stressmanagement #resilience #mentaltoughness #dailyinspiration #motivation #anxiety #inspirationalquotes #inspirationalsayings #motivationalquotes #motivationalsayings ... See MoreSee Less
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3 days ago

I love this by Dr. Nicole LePera (@the.holistic.pyschologist). I work with so many people in functional freeze, on or near burnout, because we glorify 'resilience'.As I said in a recent article, resilience can also be toxic.For freebies, including my 30-page mini-course on 'How to Hack Your Happy Hormones' click https://linktr.ee/jobanks #stress #stressfree #worry #stressmanagement #resilience #mentaltoughness #dailyinspiration #motivation #anxiety #inspirationalquotes #inspirationalsayings #motivationalquotes #motivationalsayings ... See MoreSee Less
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4 days ago

We all have avoidance or ‘numbing’ activities that we use for procrastination purposes. These activities can be beneficial in small doses, giving your brain a much-needed break from other tasks. However, in excess, they can indicate deeper problems, such as stress, anxiety, overwhelm and depression. Numbing activities often include: • 'Netflix' bingeing • 'Surfing the net'•SOCIAL MEDIA SCROLLING!• Unnecessary online shopping• Excessive gamingWhat avoidance or numbing habits do you typically use? When you find that you're numbing, a good question to ask yourself is:'What pain am I trying to avoid?'We can't change what we aren't aware of!When you’re conscious of your numbing tools and why you're avoiding what you SHOULD be doing, it can be easier to actively CHOOSE something more constructive. For freebies, including my 30-page mini-course on 'How to Hack Your Happy Hormones', click https://linktr.ee/jobanks #stress #stressfree #worry #stressmanagement #resilience #mentaltoughness #dailyinspiration #motivation #anxiety #inspirationalquotes #inspirationalsayings #motivationalquotes #motivationalsayings ... See MoreSee Less
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5 days ago

NEVER water yourself down for anyone! If they think you're too much, they're not your people 😁For freebies, including my 30-page mini-course on 'How to Hack Your Happy Hormones' click https://linktr.ee/jobanks #stress #stressfree #worry #stressmanagement #resilience #mentaltoughness #dailyinspiration #motivation #anxiety #inspirationalquotes #inspirationalsayings #motivationalquotes #motivationalsayings ... See MoreSee Less
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6 days ago

As we all have such busy lives, using N.E.T. (No Extra Time) is a brilliant way to combine tasks.It not only helps to utilise your time more effectively, but it can be useful in making your 'action list' more enjoyable.For example:👍 No time to meet your friend and exercise? Combine the two👍 No time to make calls? Do it in the car on the way to work/meetings👍 No time to learn? Listen to podcasts while working👍 No time to read? Listen to audiobooks as you exercise/do housework/exerciseWhat tasks can you combine to make use of your time more efficiently and, preferably, enjoyable?!When you find ways to make your routine or difficult tasks enjoyable, you will begin to retrain your brain for happiness, triggering those all-important ‘happy’ hormones; endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, etc.For freebies, including my 30-page mini-course on 'How to Hack Your Happy Hormones' click https://linktr.ee/jobanks #stress #stressfree #worry #stressmanagement #resilience #mentaltoughness #dailyinspiration #motivation #anxiety #inspirationalquotes #inspirationalsayings #motivationalquotes #motivationalsayings ... See MoreSee Less
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7 days ago

Some days, we have only enough brain power or physical energy just to get by, and that's OK!Many people don't realise that, like physical energy, we have only limited brain power, too, which can quickly run out, especially if we don't take good care of our physical and mental health. So, if you're struggling today, focus on one or two important tasks, complete them, and reschedule the rest.Be kind to yourself on the days when you're not running on all cylinders!For freebies, including my 30-page mini-course on 'How to Hack Your Happy Hormones' click https://linktr.ee/jobanks #stress #stressfree #worry #stressmanagement #resilience #mentaltoughness #dailyinspiration #motivation #anxiety #inspirationalquotes #inspirationalsayings #motivationalquotes #motivationalsayings ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

When planning your day, schedule the worst/most difficult/ important tasks first. We tend to put off anything that we perceive to be difficult, complicated or too time-consuming as we associate it with pain, resulting in procrastination (the FREEZE part of flight/fight/freeze).When we delay these tasks, we can spend the rest of the day fretting that we haven’t done them, often carrying them over until the next day and thinking about them all through the evening. We can spend more time worrying about not doing something than it would take to do it!By scheduling and completing your difficult jobs first, not only will the rest of the day feel like a breeze, but you'll also release dopamine (the Reward Chemical), giving you a sense of achievement. It’s important to note that most tasks are not as bad once we start and take far less time than initially thought.Single-mindedly working through a task until you complete it significantly contributes towards success.For freebies, including my 30-page mini-course on 'How to Hack Your Happy Hormones' click https://linktr.ee/jobanks #stress #stressfree #worry #stressmanagement #resilience #mentaltoughness #dailyinspiration #motivation #anxiety #inspirationalquotes #inspirationalsayings #motivationalquotes #motivationalsayings ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

This is particularly the case if you grew up in a household where there was emotional or physical abuse or emotionally immature parents.If that's the case, as adults, we don't often realise that someone is mistreating us because that was our normal growing up!AWARENESS IS EVERYTHING!For longer content, visit my YouTube channel @JoBanks.https://www.youtube.com/@jobanks#narcissist #narcissistboss #narcissisticcoworker #narcissisticabuse #narcissistrecovery #sociopath #sociopathrecovery #npd #psychopath #psychopathrecovery #bully #bullying #toxicenvironment#toxicworkplace #CPTSD #toxicworkenvironments #gaslighting #triangulation #flyingmonkeys #traumabond #narcissisticabuserecoverySometimes, we have to re-educate ourselves, which is why I produce so much content on bullying, narcissism and toxic work environments. ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

With feedback from thousands of delegates, I can say with the utmost confidence that 'Eat That Frog' is still the No 1 productivity hack! Find out why in today's article...Click to listen/read: https://jobanks.net/2024/07/17/eat-that-frog-the-no-1-productivity-hack/#productivity #productivityhacks ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

At the end of each day, take ten minutes to plan what you want to achieve (and all the related activities) for the following day.You will accomplish far more by doing this, as you’ll be less likely to procrastinate, wasting time deciding where to start and being at the mercy of outside influences.Be crystal clear about the outcomes you want, i.e. what you must complete to make the day successful. You may want to list actions hour by hour to keep yourself on track. You could even go one step further and set reminders on your phone, which is a great way to stay focused.Of course, there will be interruptions, but often, we attend to them at the expense of what we should be doing. If you get sidetracked without good reason, ask yourself, ‘Does this task take me nearer or further away from my goal?’. If the answer is ‘further away’, stop what you’re doing and refocus.Each time you complete a task, cross it off your list, and you’ll trigger your internal reward system. Then, at the end of each day, check your progress and create your plan for tomorrow.For freebies, including my 30-page mini-course on 'How to Hack Your Happy Hormones', click https://linktr.ee/jobanks #stress #stressfree #worry #stressmanagement #resilience #mentaltoughness #dailyinspiration #motivation #anxiety #inspirationalquotes #inspirationalsayings #motivationalquotes #motivationalsayings ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

I had another troll this week. The irony is never lost on me that they only ever comment on my narcissism/bullying posts!Go figure! ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Are you facing challenges in your workplace due to toxic behaviours? Do you want to equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies to navigate and overcome these challenges? Join me for a two-hour training session (1.5 hours of content followed by 30 minutes of Q&A) that will transform your professional life.With 15 years of dedicated experience and research in understanding and addressing toxic working environments, I am here to share my expertise with you. This webinar is designed to provide you with practical tools and strategies for identifying and combating toxicity in your workplace.Click for more information and to register: https://shorturl.at/C7Ay0#toxicworkenvironment #narcissism #toxicworkplace#toxicboss#bullyingboss#bullyingbosses ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

For many of us, the first thing we do when we wake up is to reach for our phones and check our emails, the news, and what’s been happening on social media while we sleep.By doing this, we let the outside world in before we've even had a chance to wake up fully. Humans were not designed to have so much information bombard us as soon as we open our eyes, and our brains can find it difficult to cope.As a result, we can inadvertently trigger the stress response (fight, flight, freeze) even before crawling out of bed, significantly reducing our resilience.If you delay checking your phone until you're out of the shower (better still, wait until you’ve had breakfast), you’ll give your brain the time it needs to acclimate to being fully awake.Doing this will reduce stress and increase your resilience, enabling you to choose your mood and set your intention for the day rather than being at the mercy of others’ demands right from the start.For freebies, including my 30-page mini-course on 'How to Hack Your Happy Hormones', click https://linktr.ee/jobanks #stress #stressfree #worry #stressmanagement #resilience #mentaltoughness #dailyinspiration #motivation #anxiety #inspirationalquotes #inspirationalsayings #motivationalquotes #motivationalsayings ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

For more on narcissistic abuse, bullying and toxic work environments, visit my YouTube channel @JoBanks.https://www.youtube.com/@jobanks#narcissist #narcissistboss #narcissisticcoworker #narcissisticabuse #narcissistrecovery #sociopath #sociopathrecovery #npd #psychopath #psychopathrecovery #bully #bullying #toxicenvironment#toxicworkplace #CPTSD #toxicworkenvironments #gaslighting #triangulation #flyingmonkeys #traumabond #narcissisticabuserecovery ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Are you facing challenges in your workplace due to toxic behaviours? Do you want to equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies to navigate and overcome these challenges? Join me for a two-hour training session (1.5 hours of content followed by 30 minutes of Q&A) that will transform your professional life.With 15 years of dedicated experience and research in understanding and addressing toxic working environments, I am here to share my expertise with you. This webinar is designed to provide you with practical tools and strategies for identifying and combating toxicity in your workplace.Click for more information and to register: https://shorturl.at/C7Ay0#toxicworkenvironment #narcissism #toxicworkplace#toxicboss#bullyingboss#bullyingbosses ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

No caption necessary!For freebies, including my 30-page mini-course on 'How to Hack Your Happy Hormones' click https://linktr.ee/jobanks #stress #stressfree #worry #stressmanagement #resilience #mentaltoughness #dailyinspiration #motivation #anxiety #inspirationalquotes #inspirationalsayings #motivationalquotes #motivationalsayings ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Are you facing challenges in your workplace due to toxic behaviours? Do you want to equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies to navigate and overcome these challenges? Join me for a two-hour training session (1.5 hours of content followed by 30 minutes of Q&A) that will transform your professional life.With 15 years of dedicated experience and research in understanding and addressing toxic working environments, I am here to share my expertise with you. This webinar is designed to provide you with practical tools and strategies for identifying and combating toxicity in your workplace.Click for more information and to register: https://shorturl.at/C7Ay0#toxicworkenvironment #narcissism #toxicworkplace#toxicboss#bullyingboss#bullyingbosses ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

People who use gaslighting techniques do so to avoid taking accountability for their poor behaviour and actions.They will turn things around, use confusion tactics and even flat-out lie!Trust your gut. If something doesn't feel right, it's not!#narcissist #narcissistboss #narcissisticcoworker #narcissisticabuse #narcissistrecovery #sociopath #sociopathrecovery #npd #psychopath #psychopathrecovery #bully #bullying #toxicenvironment#toxicworkplace #CPTSD #toxicworkenvironments #gaslighting #triangulation #flyingmonkeys #traumabond #narcissisticabuserecovery #gaslighting ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

The quickest way to achieve your goals is to model someone who has already done it. You can save an incredible amount of time, money, and energy by emulating others.It enables you to quickly discover what works and what doesn't without going through the pain of finding out for yourself.Contact them if you know someone personally, arrange coffee (you must pay!) and pick their brains. Most people will be more than happy to help (unless, perhaps, you will be in direct competition with them), as it’s flattering when someone is interested in you and what you’ve achieved.If you don’t know someone personally, but you know it’s been done before, research it. We have no excuse now, as everything we need on virtually any topic is at our fingertips.Incidentally, don’t be put off if you want to start a new venture and find someone else is already doing it:1. It means that there's a market for it.2. No one will be able to do it quite like you!For freebies, including my 30-page mini-course on 'How to Hack Your Happy Hormones', click https://linktr.ee/jobanks #stress #stressfree #worry #stressmanagement #resilience #mentaltoughness #dailyinspiration #motivation #anxiety #inspirationalquotes #inspirationalsayings #motivationalquotes #motivationalsayings #goals #goalsetting ... See MoreSee Less
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